👑Golden Bull:

Dated: 15th of March 2024
Location: Raeford, North Carolina U.S.A.
Delegates of the Imperial Diet held electronically in Raeford, North Carolina U.S.A. The Seat of the Imperial House of Bradley is in North Carolina, U.S.A. at the residence of H.I.& R.M.; also, Grand Master of all the Imperial or Royal Orders of the Empire, Kingdoms, Duchy's, Principalities, Provinces, Territories, holdings and its Sovereign Entities. The divine right of Emperor's or kings, divine right, or God's mandation is a political and religious doctrine of political legitimacy of a monarchy. It stems from a specific metaphysical framework in which a monarch is, before birth, pre-ordained to inherit the crown. According to this theory of political legitimacy, the subjects of the crown have actively (and not merely passively) turned over the metaphysical selection of the king's soul – which will inhabit the body and rule them – to God. In this way, the "divine right" originates as a metaphysical act of humility and/or submission towards God. Divine right has been a key element of the legitimization of many absolute monarchies. Sovereign Immunity "And he claims his Imperial Family's Absolute Immunity! "This Claim of absolute Immunity is for the following Family members: The Monarch, the Consort, Royal Children and their Families, Siblings of the Monarch and their families, i.e. Spouses and children, and lastly the grandchildren of the Monarch! Also, the Monarch holds the right of power for pardoning actions for citizens of the Empire! And it stands over the rulings of the Courts!
a) Sovereign immunity, or crown immunity, is a legal doctrine whereby a sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution, strictly speaking in modern texts in its own courts.
b) A similar, stronger rule as regards foreign courts is named state immunity.
c) Sovereign immunity is the original forebear of state immunity based on the classical concept of sovereignty in the sense that a sovereign could not be subjected without his or her approval to the jurisdiction of another. In constitutional monarchies, the sovereign is the historical origin of the authority which creates the courts.
Thus, the courts had no power to compel the sovereign to be bound by them as they were created by the sovereign for the protection of his or her subjects. This rule was commonly expressed by the popular legal maxim rex non potest peccare, meaning "the king can do no wrong".
There are three forms of sovereign immunity:
c1) Immunity from suit (also known as immunity from jurisdiction or adjudication) immunity from enforcement. Immunity from suit means that neither a sovereign/head of state in person nor any in absentia or representative form (nor to a lesser extent the state) can be a defendant or subject of court proceedings, nor in most equivalent forums such as under arbitration awards and tribunal awards/damages.
c2) Immunity from enforcement means that even if a person succeeds in any way against their sovereign or state, they and the judgment may find themselves without means of enforcement.
c3) Separation of powers or natural justice coupled with a political status other than a totalitarian state dictate there be broad exceptions to immunity such as statutes which expressly bind the state (a prime example being constitutional laws) and judicial review.
d) Absolute immunity In Empire law, absolute immunity is a type of sovereign immunity for Royal and appointed officials that confers complete immunity from criminal prosecution and suits for damages, so long as Royalty or officials are acting within the scope of their duties. The Court of the Empire has consistently held that Royalty or appointed officials deserve some type of immunity from lawsuits for damages, and that the common law recognized this immunity. The Court reasons that this immunity is necessary to protect Royalty and appointed officials from excessive interference with their responsibilities and from "potentially disabling threats of liability."
Note: Also - the King has by Letters Patent mandates that "No Papal Bull" could be published in his dominions without his consent (placetum regium)! And all members of the Imperial and Royal Family are not subject to the laws of man and answer only to God. Marriage that was considered Morganatic or not, and the rights of the children of such a marriage will possess. The King will always have his Coronation in the Christian Church and with all tradition from 11 centuries of Anointment with the Sacred Cream and the Archbishop presiding and the Holy Oils and the Blessings and Oath. As the current (Pope and the Vatican), Pope Francis - has become tainted with the "New World Order" and "Masonic influence and the Illuminati" backing and the instillation and inclusion of the "Illuminati"; and that of the "Council of 13".
a). I, Carl Raymond Bradley as King hereby decree that our backing and support is now with the Independent Christian Church and not affiliated with the Papacy!
b). But it remains "True Christian"! And our church is and will remain Independent from the Papal State and remain true and unwavering by God! We will be safe as we will follow our Independent Church of Christ!
"THE EMPIRE" (i.e. The King) was the only source of "Counts" in the empire, analogous to counts by the French or English kings. As the only one of the reigning Imperial Princes, the King of Bohemia, who was also one of the seven electors, was also allowed to make Counts elevations for his territory, but under the House of Luxembourg from 1347 and later under the House of Habsburg from 1531, the Bohemian Royal Crown and the German Imperial Crown fell over long periods of time in personal union; and from 1806 under the Fornbacher's of Austria, Germany, Prussia, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. The Fornbacher's first cousins of the Habsburgs, and Fornbacher Emperors and Kings were therefore - free to confer either Imperial Titles (as Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire) or Hereditary Titles (for their Kingdoms, Principalities, Duchies, and other holdings)! By Letters Patent all Kings, Queens, Dukes and Duchess' of all variety and styles, Princes, Princess', in the Empire or under its Sovereignty or under the Confederation in the revised and redesigned empire of the Imperial House of Bradley are therefore free to confer either Hereditary Titles, or Titles for Life, (for their Kingdoms, Principalities, Duchies, and other holdings)! "Also, all have to apply to the King for Counts and above and they are primogeniture style titles". It is also Decreed that the King has given all Princes and Princess and above under his Sovereignty the ability to create Counts in title as long as it is in or within their domains of territory up to the number of (8) Eight Counts - freely and after which time must petition the King to gain more Counts in or within his or her territory! And will either be Hereditary Titles, or Titles for Life! Also, all Imperial Titles listed here may "ONLY" be conferred by the King himself! If a marriage was considered Morganatic or not, and the rights of the children of such a marriage will possess! "All titles are either Imperial-and not questionable, or Hereditary" "or also" of the Empire" unless listed as for life or stated otherwise for a specific reason or time period. I, Carl Raymond Bradley as King hereby decree and now make this into Law!
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